If You’re Happy and You know It…Feeling Satisfied with Your Social Life

If You’re Happy and You know It…Feeling Satisfied with Your Social Life

There’s no greater feeling than being satisfied. In any area of life, satisfaction creates gratitude and a fulfilled sense of well-being. Chances are when you are feeling satisfied with your social life, you’ll feel content and happy. That’s the best goal when it comes to creating a happy and healthy social life at any age.

This series has been designed to get you thinking about your social life in a whole new way. We began with learning about the health benefits of a healthy and happy social life. Remember when I asked the question are you having a social identity crisis? I know I’ve felt that way a time or two in my life. We also took a deep dive into the things to look out for when it comes to social media so it doesn’t make it harder to be social.

Next, we jumped onto the subjects of personality types and looked into how introverts and extroverts tend to process being social. Where do you fit on the scale? I was careful to share some dos and don’ts for intro and extroverts to socialize together so everyone has a great time.

Finally, we spent some time looking at creative ways to be more social and create the healthy and happy social life you deserve. Remember the post about finding a tribe and being intentional with your social life? I especially loved that post.

By now you are well equipped with the information you need to build the social life you’ve been wanting no matter what age you are. I am thrilled to be a part of your journey and would love to hear from you with your thoughts and comments. Be sure to connect in the Facebook group or send me an email.

Thanks for spending the last 30 days with me and for taking your social life into your own hands and making it the best it’s ever been. Be sure to go back and give some of the earlier posts a second read to remind yourself of the great content. I know you’ll be having the time of your life with amazing people doing amazing things.