Top Tips to Cool Down Before You Say the Wrong Thing

Getting hot under the collar can be a problem when you may say the wrong thing. Even the most composed people run the risk of losing their cool under the right circumstances. Whether you frequently battle losing it or only occasionally blow a gasket, there are things you can do to cool down before you say the wrong thing. Having a plan ahead of time is a perfect way to prevent getting in over your head and saying the wrong thing. 

Here are some top tips to help you cool down before you say the wrong thing

  • TOP TIP- Excuse yourself from the situation 
  • TOP TIP- Count-to-five breathing techniques
  • TOP TIP- Ask for a break and make a new plan 

Top tip- Excuse yourself before you say the wrong thing. If you know you are about to say or do something regrettable, simply excuse yourself. You can leave the situation entirely or take a moment to collect your thoughts. Verbalize your desire to collect yourself and calm down. Rational people will understand and give you the space you need to regain your composure. 

Top tip- Count-to-five breathing. Breathing is a remarkable tool. It can suppress anger, reduce stress, and help you stop before saying or doing something you may regret. Count-to-five breathing techniques include breathing in for a count of five and breathing out for a count of five. The deep breathing can help you control yourself, so you don’t lose your cool. 

Top tip- Ask for a break when you can’t be calm. Similarly to excusing yourself, you can also ask to reschedule a time to revisit the subject. Or you can ask to start over from a fresh perspective. Breaking the downward trend and interrupting the negativity can help prevent you from saying something you may regret. 

Ultimately there is no right or wrong way to stop yourself from going over the edge. Doing whatever works specifically for you is what matters most. Saying a distracting mantra, walking away, anything that makes a positive impact on a negative situation is a very good thing. 

You are under no obligation to get yourself in over your head and say or do something you may be sorry for. Use the proper tools that help you stop yourself before it’s too late. Be smart and disengage before things go too far. In the end you’ll all be better off for the efforts.