Thank You and Where Do We Go from Here?

Wow! We’ve just completed 30 days of best practices for healthier and more effective communication. That was a ton of content and a whirlwind of information. What did you think?  

We broke the content down into bite-sized pieces that walked us through

  • How important healthy people are for healthy communication
  • How to create and hone your unique communication style
  • How to deal with difficult communicators 

You’re armed and ready to take on nearly any type of communication from public speaking, to leading groups, or making deeper connections with your friends and family. That’s great news! 

Be sure to go back and review the content in case you missed an important concept the first time. The more you review the material the more you’ll internalize the concepts. 

On day one, we learned how important communication is for effective relationships. On day four we discussed how the clothes make the communicator and how important it is to have a signature style because your clothes speak before you do. By day ten you should have been feeling more confident and ready to show off your signature speaking style. 

Next, we dove into developing better communication. On day twelve, we learned how non-verbal cues encourage great communication and some dos and don’ts for effective public speaking. You may have discovered that your love language is actually a form of communication too! 

It would be great if everyone were determined to communicate effectively wouldn’t it? Sadly, dealing with difficult communicators is really hard. Thankfully, you’ve gotten a lot of tools to help you out. On day twenty-two you learned some great conflict resolution skills which I am sure you are already using. We rounded out the series with a reminder to pick your battles and making sure you aren’t contributing to the problem

If you feel like you still want to hone your skills, don’t forget to consider a program like Toastmasters. They are a wealth of information and support. Thanks to the web, there are unlimited resources out there to better your communication style. From learning specialized colors for your wardrobe to taking classes to learn to have better posture. There’s not much you can’t learn.   

Thank you for completing this course on effective communication. I would love to hear your feedback and have a conversation with you about what your favorite posts in the series were. Be sure to connect with me via email