Sensitive People Can Derail Effective Communication

Healthy communication is easy when all parties are mature, seasoned communicators. It’s easy to communicate with people who are effective and invested in high-quality communication. Communication can be challenging when one of the parties isn’t as confident or worse yet, sensitive. 

Highly sensitive people or HSP’s are people who feel things deeply. From happiness to anger to sadness, they can feel their emotions intensely at times. This can interrupt the flow of healthy communication and require some extra steps to keep things smooth. 

Sensitive people require a lot of support when communication breaks down which can derail effective communication, but there are tactics that can keep conversations flowing and help sensitive people communicate even when they feel overwhelmed.  

Here are some simple steps to help support sensitive people during communication

Step- Pay close attention to timing- Sensitive people can be easily overwhelmed. Finding the right time to approach certain subjects can help reduce their anxiety. Be sure to pay close attention to when you discuss difficult topics. 

Step- Take time to process information- Sensitive people need time to process. If they become overwhelmed communicating, it can take them extra time to understand how they feel or discern what the information is. Allow for them to process internally or externally depending on how they feel. Don’t get nervous if there is silence or an awkward pause. 

Step- Frame feedback in positive language- For sensitive people, feedback can feel like an attack. Rather than a critique, it feels more like criticism. Sensitive people are fearful of letting people down, which can create shame or defensiveness. Simply framing feedback in positive ways can help avoid a sensitive reaction. In the same way, hearing too much praise can also be a problem. Try to keep all types of feedback neutral and as matter-of-fact as possible. 

Step- Encourage questions- Making yourself open for questions and willing to dialogue can help ease a sensitive person’s worries. When people know you are ready and able to process, they can sort through their feelings and have healthier communication. 

Step- Use the sandwich method- The sandwich method of communication begins and ends a conversation with something positive. This creates a better situation going into and coming out of a conversation. It can help sensitive people feel supported and less anxious.

Highly sensitive people need a bit more support when it comes to healthy and effective communication. Without it, things can get derailed quickly. Follow the steps to help make communicating a little bit easier and a lot less intimidating.