Professional Help – Options for Shifting to a Positive Mindset

Making the decision to shift from a negative to a positive mindset is a smart move. It can help in all areas of life. Being more positive can reduce stress, create more meaningful relationships, and open up new opportunities. While making the decision is easy, doing the work may be harder than you thought. 

Some people can read a self-help book, take an online class, or stop bad behaviors cold turkey. Others need a bit more help. Additionally, some negativities come from traumas that may need a more delicate approach to change. 

Could You Use Professional Help? 

Some people need professional support to shift from a negative to more positive outlook. Coaches and counselors are often an ideal resource. Let’s take a look at how a professional may be the solution for you or someone you love. 

Professional counselors and therapists can help heal trauma- If your negativity is related to a bad experience, it can help to work with a trained counselor. Counselors and therapists can help you get to the root of any issues that could prevent you from moving ahead in life in a positive way. 

Counselors and therapists have unique skill sets that make it safer for you to explore the past and get a handle on it. They can offer a wide variety of options for healing traumas including, but not limited to, cognitive therapy, EMDR, behavior modification, and more.  

Professional coaches can help you change your mindset- Life coaching is a recognized alternative to therapy. Coaches have unique skills and talents that help people change their behavior and engage in more positive lifestyles. Coaches are different from counselors and therapists. Their focus is a lot like a typical sports coach. You have a goal in mind, and they have a playbook that can help you get there. 

Coaching can be long term or short term. The goals can expand over time as you achieve new skills and grow. 

Building a Team of Professionals Makes Sense

Coaching has some advantages over counseling and could be used exclusively, or it can be a wonderful enhancement to counseling. Many people use counseling and coaching in conjunction with each other to maximize their time and effort. 

There are times when making changes is harder than we can manage on our own. Sometimes it helps to have the wisdom and resources of trained professionals. Shifting your mindset from pessimistic to optimistic can be easier and more effective with professional help.