Wrap up and Where do we go From Here?

You’ve done it! You’ve reached the last day of the 30 Days to a Peaceful Home challenge. Wow, what a whirlwind this has been. I am so thrilled to have shared so much information with you the past thirty days. 

Early on we discussed how anyone can have a peaceful home in 30 days. At the beginning it may have seemed like a huge mountain to climb, but soon enough I was able to share that all you have to do is start small and you can get control of the chaos right away.

On day ten we learned that tackling one room a day is a much easier way to organize. We wrapped up the week with reminding ourselves that healthy families have the most peaceful homes and that you can turn your clutter into cash really easily. Have you had your yard sale yet? 

The Facebook group has been an excellent resource and I’ve loved engaging with each of you sharing tips, tricks, and reading your thoughts about the challenge. Thanks for being so active and making the group a success! 

You may not have implemented all of the tools you’ve learned in the challenge. That’s okay! Go back and re-read some of the posts to make sure the material sinks in and makes the most sense for your family and your unique needs. What’s right for one person won’t always be right for another. Any of the ideas can be modified and crafted to meet your special needs. 

I really enjoy feedback and would love to hear what posts and challenges helped you the most. If you have anything to add, including tips and tricks that worked for you, be sure to let me know. I love adding to my tool chest to support our tribe. You can message me on Facebook or simply send me an email.

The 30 Days to a Peaceful Home challenge was designed to help you reduce the chaos in your home and get things back in order so you can create the memories you want with the family you love. Don’t worry if things don’t fall into place within 30 days. We’ve covered a lot of ground. Focus on what works for you and I’m confident you’ll experience tremendous peace unlike you’ve known before.