Adopt a Solution – Focused Mindset to Improve Any Weakness

If you show me your mindset about a problem or weakness, I can easily determine the likelihood you’ll improve it. If your mindset is negative, it’s likely you won’t get very far because you won’t believe there are a lot of options. 

Some of the typically negative ways people face weakness are-

  • Avoidance
  • Overcompensation
  • Denial

Avoiding a weakness won’t make it go away. It can actually magnify the weakness over time. It’s possible to avoid a weakness for a while but finding a solution- whether that’s tackling it or finding a work-around is best. 

Overcompensating wears you out- Overcompensating for a weakness can drain your energy and other resources. It’s best to find a solution rather than spend time making up for what you lack. 

Denial is the same as lying- Denying you have a weakness is the polar opposite of being solution focused. Denial is the same as lying and it will alienate you and cause issues with relationships, health, and finances. 

If you have a solution-focused mindset you are more likely to overcome a weakness and master it. Solution-focused people see multiple paths to a positive outcome. Their creativeness and resilience gives them the confidence to face weaknesses with an entirely different view than negative people. 

Some of the typically solution-focused ways people face weakness are-

  • Analyzing
  • Problem-solving
  • Collaboration 

Analyzing weaknesses gets to the root of the issue- Taking a good look at what’s going on can help identify what needs to happen to master a weakness and diminish its effect. 

Problem-solving gets to the heart of the matter- There may be more than one way to overcome a weakness. Problem-solving gets to the heart of the matter and finds solutions without worrying about looking bad or inadequate. 

Collaboration relies on community- There’s often times no reason to manage a weakness alone. Collaboration to solve a problem, learn a new skill, or delegate to someone else makes sense. Crowd sourcing solutions for a weakness is working smarter, not harder.    

Having a weakness is only a small issue. The bigger issue is whether or not your mindset is healthy enough to overcome or manage it. Negative-minded people make it harder to master a weakness than it has to be. Work on your mindset and the shift from negative to positive will make every area of life easier to manage.