Celebrate Your Small Victories Along the Way

Negativity can be a long-standing behavior rooted in pain, shame, and blame. It may be perfectly normal to complain, gossip, use sarcasm, and judge people without ever knowing the impact it’s having. Making the shift from negative to positive may take time, energy, and concerted effort. Don’t wait until you’re completely free of all negativity before celebrating the wins. Small victories matter and you should celebrate them every chance you get. 

Give yourself credit whenever you succeed

You’re going to see incremental improvements all the time. Be sure to recognize when you battle your inner critic and win! Whether it’s an internal high five or calling a friend to share the moment, be sure to give yourself credit whenever you succeed. 

Be kind when you miss the mark

If negativity has been your go-to and default reaction for a long time, it’s going to take time to change. Be kind to yourself when you backslide. Don’t let the inner critic condemn you. Instead, gently reassure yourself that you are a wonderfully flawed person doing the best you can. Commit to trying to do better next time. 

Call out positive behavior when you see it 

Be sure to compliment and encourage positivity in other people. It makes a positive difference in other people’s behavior when they are recognized for their positive actions. Be confident and kind and complimentary when you notice people around you doing the ‘right thing.’  

One day, positivity will be the norm

In the same way negativity was once the normal way to be, one day positivity will be the norm. When that happens, you’ll have a testimony to share about the journey you’ve taken to become an optimistic and positive person. The wisdom you’ve gained and the tools you’ve developed will all converge and your default reaction to people and stress will be kinder, more optimistic and hopeful. 

Thanks for completing this important and valuable series. I am confident you have everything you need to become the positive and optimistic person you’ve set out to be. Keep up the good work and keep your eyes on the prize. A more positive and optimistic life! Be sure to connect with me and share what you’ve loved about this series. I am always looking to connect with my tribe. You can reach me via email challenge@effective-solutions.org or the Facebook group.