We’re nearing the end of The Power of Optimism- Letting go of Negativity for a More Positive Life series. We’ve covered a lot of material designed to help you better understand the psychology behind negativity, what you can do to be more positive, and many practical tips, steps, and tools to shift from a negative to a much more positive mindset.
Last time, I shared how Viktor Frankl miraculously survived the Holocaust and went on to develop Logotherapy based on his experience. Frankl discovered that while his captors had the power to literally take everything away from him, he could retain his capacity to think for himself and control how he reacted to their cruelty. He focused on his goals and set his mind to think about what gave his life meaning and use the feelings his thoughts created to survive despite his deplorable situation.
Positivity is a Choice
You see, positivity is ultimately a choice. Some people simply choose differently. In all things, there’s a choice, which will you choose?
We all need tools to help us master a task. Choosing to be positive is easier with proper tools. Here are some useful ways to keep positivity front and center and make it easier to resist negativity.
Journal- Journals are a wonderful way to process life. Journaling struggles and fears can help you sort them out. There’s something about getting negativity out of your head and onto the paper that opens the mind up to find solutions. Use journaling to rid yourself of negativity and look for the positive.
Interrupt the pattern- One of the tools positive people use to overcome negativity is a pattern interrupt. That is a term used to describe stopping a negative thought or feeling in its tracks and doing something else to interrupt the focus. For example, if you find yourself worrying over something you can’t do anything about, it can help to do an activity that distracts your mind. This pattern interrupt can stop the negativity and replace it with a positive action.
Be Grateful- Whether it’s a gratitude journal, giving thanks, or meditating on what you have to be grateful for. Practicing gratitude is known to help clear the mind and minimize the emphasis on negativity.
Some People Won’t Choose Positivity
Some people aren’t ready to make the shift. They don’t or won’t look at the bright side. That’s ok, the option is always there. In the meantime, do your best to keep optimistic and model the tools that can help them when they’re ready. You never know when someone will be ready to choose the power of optimism and leave negativity behind.