How to Find Support When You Struggle Setting Boundaries

Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot about setting boundaries at this point in our challenge. You probably also realize that this is a skill you won’t learn overnight. It takes practice to overcome old habits. It will get easier with time. If you find the process more difficult than you anticipated, there’s no shame in looking for help. Overcoming messages you’ve learned throughout your entire life may not be something you’re ready and able to take on by yourself, and that’s okay. Keep reading to discover how to find support when you struggle setting boundaries.

Talk to Friends

A good place to start when looking to learn more about boundary setting may be with your friends. Think of someone you admire who is good at protecting their own needs. We all have that friend, or even a family member, who is confident and assured. These people don’t worry about being people pleasers. They don’t feel responsible for the feelings of others. Talking to them can provide the insight you need to begin creating your own limits.

Seek Professional Support

If you’ve been taught to put others above yourself, it can take a lot of work to unlearn these unhealthy habits and to begin to prioritize your own interests. Sometimes professional assistance may be necessary, and there’s no shame in that. A therapist or counselor can help you to examine the patterns you’ve learned throughout your life that have made it hard to set personal boundaries. This professional can then teach you to overcome old beliefs and learn new behaviors that will support you on your path to learning to set limits with others.

Do Some Reading

There are tons of resources out there dedicated to learning the process of setting boundaries. You can find articles online that touch upon various aspects of this subject. There are also internet forums where people share their own personal experiences. This type of insight might be particularly inspiring if you’re unsure what healthy boundary setting looks like. There are also books dedicated to different types of boundaries and how to create them for yourself. A little research can point you in the direction of the specific type of resource that might help you. Perhaps you need more help in setting boundaries with family members or maybe your biggest issue involves your romantic relationships. The information you need is probably available.

Boundary setting isn’t something that comes easily to everyone. Try not to be hard on yourself if you decide you need some support. Help is out there. There’s no shame in asking for it.