Loneliness can Cause an Illness

How often do you feel lonely? Being lonely…even when you’re in a crowd, isn’t fun. Not only that, it can ruin your health. Loneliness can cause a host of mental and physical health issues that can morph into a chronic illness.

Being occasionally lonely never hurt anyone. As a matter of fact, loneliness is a great motivator to get out and do something fun. When you don’t have that motivation, loneliness can become a problem.

Did you know that loneliness can actually trigger health issues? That’s right! Chronic loneliness can lead to depression, worry, and anxiety. This can manifest as a physical illness and shorten your life span. While most people think about loneliness when it comes to elderly people, loneliness in adults ages 18-25 is actually on the rise.

Loneliness can cause depression – Being lonely can trigger depression. The lack of stimulation can reduce the production of dopamine and other feel-good chemicals in your brain. Prolonged episodes of loneliness can contribute to isolation and severe depression.

Loneliness can cause mental decline – Studies have indicated that loneliness can lead to cognitive difficulties which may contribute to diseases like Alzheimer’s. Failing to stimulate the brain and engage in meaningful relationships can contribute to cognitive decline.

Loneliness can cause cardio-vascular disease – One study indicates that loneliness contributes to peripheral vascular disease which affects the blood vessels outside of the heart and brain. It also can increase blood pressure and anxiety.

Loneliness can cause inflammation – Some inflammation is helpful. Inflammation helps your body fight infection. Prolonged inflammation is detrimental to your health and can be quite painful. There are studies that indicate being alone too long sends signals to your brain that trigger inflammation.

Loneliness can cause over or underweight conditions – Being alone can trigger over or under eating. This can lead to unhealthy weight either way. Some people use food to comfort themselves when they are lonely which can lead to obesity. Some forms of depression can trigger a loss of appetite or eating disorders. Left with no one to connect to socially, people run the risk of eating too much or too little.

Being isolated is not healthy. It can affect your mental or your physical health. Developing a happy social life at any age can help you stay fit and healthy throughout your life. It’s possible to avoid health issues like obesity, cardio-vascular disease, and Alzheimer’s by being socially active.